

Page history last edited by Chem216 12 years, 6 months ago





Dr. Shultz Office Hours

Tuesday/Thursday 12-1 PM room A868 or immediately following lecture in 1210

*office hours are subject to change on a weekly basis


GSI Office Hours


Course Schedule


The lecture portion of the course will include discussion of reaction chemistry and stoichiometry, lab techniques, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The theme of chemistry for this term is "The Chemistry of Carbonyl Compounds". The chemistry presented corresponds to that in Chemistry 215 and the two courses should be taken together.



The laboratory in chemistry 216 is designed to build on your experience in Chemistry 211 toward the development of skills in laboratory technique and in asking and answering questions about chemistry by designing experiments. You will have some freedom to organize and design your own work and to cooperate with your classmates in solving problems.



Attendance is absolutely critical. Students are expected to sign in each day and complete all experiments. E-mail both Dr. Shultz and your GSI in advance in the event of an absence. Turn in an excused absence form along with documentation to the 215/216 mailbox in Chemistry room 1416.


Course Grades

Course grades will be based on participation points, quizzes and lab reports. Due dates for all assignments are provided in the course schedule. Grades will be assessed separately for each lab section, in order to account for grading differences between GSIs. An average point total typically corresponds to a B+, however it is possible for all students in a single lab section to receive A's if the point total range for that lab section is narrow.  Regrade requests for lab notebook pages and/or lab report assignments, and quizzes should be made in writing to Dr. Shultz no later than two weeks from the date they are returned. A grade appeal for the course must be made in writing within 6 months of the end of the term in which the original grade was assigned.


1. Participation points. Participation points will be assessed by your GSI at the beginning of each lab session and include completion of pre-lab questions, the pre-lab portion of your lab notebook pages, group experimental design (Exp. 3,4,6 & 7 only) and GSI points. Pre-lab questions will be posted prior to the start of each new experiment on the CTools site and should be written in your lab notebook along with the pre-lab portion of the experimental write up. GSI points will be assigned during each lab session by your GSI. The purpose of GSI points is to ensure that all students come to lab prepared, follow safety rules and guidelines, and are good citizens in the lab. GSI points will be assessed from 0 to 5 points.  Where 0 = unexcused absence, 1 = attended, but not prepared or unsafe, 3 = prepared, 5 = outstanding.


2. Quizzes. Five short quizzes will be given through out the term  to assess understanding of reaction chemistry, experimental procedure, and techniques used in each experiment. Two spectroscopy quizzes will assess understanding of NMR and IR spectroscopy. Quizzes will be based on information from lecture, the online manual, and from pre-lab questions and discussion. A lab practical quiz will be given during the last lab session and will assess ability to perform key lab techniques and use them to identify and unknown compound.


3. Lab reports. Lab reports will include a formal type-written lab report (25 points each) and lab notebook pages (10 points each). There will be no lab notebook pages due for experiment 5 and no formal lab reports due for experiments 2 & 7. 


Point Distribution


Assignments Components Subtotal

Pre-lab Assignments

Questions Exp. 1,2,3,4,6 & 7 @ 2 pts each (total 12 pts)


Notebook write-up completed before lab 

Exp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 7 @ 3 pts each (total 18 pts)


Group Experimental Design

Exp. 3,4,6 & 7 @ 10 pts each (total 40 pts)


GSI points

5 pts per lab session X 12 sessions (total 60 pts)



130 points

Short quizzes 5 @ 10 pts each


IR quiz 30 pts


NMR quiz 50 pts


Lab practical 50 pts

180 pts
Lab Reports

Formal lab reports (total 115 pts)

Exp. 1, 3, 4, & 6 @ 25 pts each

Exp. 5 @ 15 pts


Lab notebook pages

Exp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 @ 10 pts each (total 60 pts)



175 points
485 points


Academic Integrity

Collaboration in the laboratory setting is encouraged, however all written work must be your own. Academic misconduct will result in a grade of zero on the assignment for which it takes place. Cheating on a quiz may result in failing the course. Please read the information at the LSA Site for Academic Integrity for examples of academic misconduct and other information.











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